Ob petkih spočijemo oči: Julian Wilson

2. 8. 2019
Ob petkih spočijemo oči: Julian Wilson (foto: Profimedia)

Nadaljujemo našo petkovo serijo super postavnih športnikov. Po Stefanosu in Ibaki prihaja kralj morja - Julian Wilson. 

30 letni Avstralec iz pokrajine Queensland velja za enega najboljših deskarjev na svetu, saj je lansko leto končal na skupnem drugem mestu na svetovni lestvici.

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For 10 years I have Gone Pink at the @WSL Quik Pro to raise awareness around Breast Cancer and funds that we have donated to a variety of charities or direct to individuals over the term. This year I, along with my wife and daughter, will be donating my prize money from the Quik Pro as well as my royalties from these @Hurley boardshorts and other items in the capsule that my Mum designed. The funds will go directly to a few women that need help - either getting their life back on track after being stripped of their livelihood or wellbeing or confidence and/or even part of their anatomy…or they are suffering financial hardship getting through the treacherous treatment. When I say I hope to “raise awareness” it’s not so much about making people aware that breast cancer exists because almost everyone has somehow that’s been affected by breast cancer, be it through themselves, a family member or friend, etc…I want to make it OK to talk about it, especially with younger women! One of the only proven ways of increasing success in treating and surviving breast cancer is early detection! That means you don’t start talking about it and getting an annual test when over 50…I’d like to say get into the habit younger. My Mum is a two time breast cancer survivor and my hero. #ChicksCheckYaTits #KeepItSqueezy @Hurley

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Karizmatični Julian, ki ima tudi 5 posamičnih zmag v ASP World Surf League, je ambasador fundacije National Breast Cancer Foundation, ki se bori proti raku na dojkah.

Na problem raka na dojkah, ki ga je prebolela tudi njegova mama, opozarja tudi s svojo rožnato desko.

Svojo veličino je pokazal tudi leta 2015 na tekmovanju, ko je njegovega sotekmovalca napadel morski pes.  Julian je neustrašno zaplaval na pomoč svojemu prijatelju in mu pomagal iz vode ter s tem dejanjem dobil status heroja.

Lažno obvestilo v imenu ZZZS krade gesla. Ne odpirajte priponke
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Day trip with the fam! ❤️

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  • Leta 2017 se je poročil z Ashley Osborne s katero imata enoletno hčerko Olivio Madison.