Super mama - pet sinov sama šola na domu (in ne samo v času koronavirusa)

23. 4. 2020
Super mama - pet sinov sama šola na domu (in ne samo v času koronavirusa) (foto: profimedia)

Ariel Tyson živi v kraju Bozeman v ameriški Montani, a je zaradi svojega Instagram profila s 180.000 sledilci znana po vsem svetu. 33-letnica je v šestih letih postala mama petim sinovom, starih od 8 do 2 leti in na poti je že nov otrok. Ariel pravi, da ji je vseeno ali bo fantek ali punčka.

Ariel, ki je sicer doma iz Floride, se je poročila s pastorjem, oba pa sta bila šolana na domu. In prav zaradi tega, ker je bilo šolanje na domu za oba lepa izkušnja, sta se odločila, da tudi svojih otrok ne bosta vpisala v šolo, ampak bosta onadva njihova učitelja. Talentirana mama, ki je lani tudi magistrirala, trenutno dela doma, saj denar služi kot pisateljica in govornica.

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33 weeks! And Truth. Slowing down was just what this mama needed to focus on my mental, emotional, and physical health I’d been neglecting. I am in no way saying this virus being in the world is a good thing. In fact, I am concerned with the effects it will have on our world as a whole and am broken over the loved ones lost, and I also recognize I am one of the blessed ones that can continue working from home for now though we are facing some changes to my husband’s role as the lead pastor in our church. Right now, I am simply choosing to look at the positives and priority changes that have come out of this for my family so far. And, while I should have been saying NO far sooner than now, I’ve learned I can never go back to the way things used to be. Life is too good for us to let it pass by. What about you? Any positives you can find in this challenging time? Also, my friend @meghanjoytoday put together a homeschool resource that I’ll share in my stories and my friend @modernfarmhousefamily started the funniest cup challenge in her stories for some fun while we’re spending more time at home and this very pregnant mama can’t do it so please enjoy it for me ❤️ . . . . . #5boys #33weeks #ohbaby #pregnantbelly #pregnantstyle #pregnancyannouncement #expecting #thebump #babylist #thisisus #ourfamily #ourcandidlife #largefamily #raisingboys #raisingthefuture #wearefamily #bigfamily #bigfamilylife #lovewhatmatters #newbaby #dearbabylist #mommylifestyle #motherhoodinspired #pregnancylife #mothershape #mytinymoments #documentingmotherhood #parenthood_moments #thingsiwanttoremember #thirdtrimester

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“Trije otroci že hodijo v šolo in z možem Michaelom sva se odločila, da se šolajo doma, Oba imava krasno izkušnjo šolanja na domu. V zadnjih treh letih smo že našli rutino, ki nam ustreza,” pravi Ariel, ki možu pomaga tudi pri pripravah na pridige v cerkvi.

Koalicija s seje odbora umika nov medijski zakon. Kaj je v ozadju?
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Happy Sunday! It’s been a bit since we’ve done one of these and we’ve had a few birthdays since! So for those asking, here’s our current ages! And I’m 28 weeks pregnant today and have been so wanting to know what this babe is even more this week! So so ready to meet this little one, but like usual, I’ve done very little to “prepare” so far. I’ve been feeling pretty bad the last week or two and my midwife keeps checking up on me. I’ve had a few tests done and trying to figure out how to say no more often for the rest of this pregnancy. My thyroid disease always plays a bit of a role too. . Concerning our ages, many have asked: My hubs and I met at 18 and 19, got married at 20 and 21, found out I was pregnant with our first 2 years later that we lost due to a birth defect that gave me a 90% chance of miscarrying every time I got pregnant, had the surgery for that in 2010 (that had been invented just 5 years before), and then had our oldest here on earth the following year when we were 24 and 25. My oldest will turn 9 just 6 days after my due date with this baby and he’s hopeful to share a birthday 🤣 at least for now! . We’re really loving these shirts from @primarydotcom the quality and texture is incredible and they have the best spring colors. . . . . #5boys #thyroid #ohbaby #pregnantbelly #whattoexpect #miscarriage #pregnancyannouncement #expecting #thebump #babylist #pregnancyandinfantlossawareness #ourfamily #ourcandidlife #largefamily #raisingboys #raisingthefuture #wearefamily #bigfamily #bigfamilylife #lovewhatmatters #newbaby #dearbabylist #mommylifestyle #motherhoodinspired #pregnancylife #mothershape #mytinymoments #documentingmotherhood #parenthood_moments #thingsiwanttoremember

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“Naš dan začnemo ob pol osmih zjutraj, ko se vsi zberemo pri zajtrku. Otroci nato začnejo z online nalogami in predavanji. Ko so starejši trije zaposleni z delom za šolo, sama poskrbim za mlajša dva, naredim kaj za svoje delo ter začnem pripravljati za kosilo. Šola se konča v času kosila, popoldnevi pa so rezervirani za branje ter mojo razlago šolske snovi, ki jo fantje niso dobro razumeli. Vedno pregledamo tudi vse naloge,” pripoveduje Ariel, ki je napisala knjigo Chase the Roar: Becoming Faith Chasers in an American Dream Culture.

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Yes, our house is loud, wild, crazy, competitive with more energy than I could have ever imagined, but it’s ours. And you know what? With our imperfections and all, I’m so glad I was chosen to be their mom. I’ve already seen more sporting events than I could have fathomed and they’re still only 8 and under, but cheering them on and watching them grow is the best. The other night, as the oldest 4 who share a room were falling asleep, I listened in on their conversations, which started off sweet and ended up with the oldest two telling the others that they were adopted 🤣 But overall, brothers, best friends with common goals and dreams. . This year, one of the sports we took on together was hockey and one of the ways we fueled up was with @gogosqueez and we’ve been loving branching out with their YogurtZ for in between school and afternoon sports and SmoothieZ for the busy mornings too! #betime is the best time in our home 🙌#gogosqueezpartner . . . . . #5boys #boymomlife #ohbaby #pregnantbelly #momofboys #expecting #thebump #babylist #thisisus #ourfamily #ourcandidlife #largefamily #raisingboys #raisingthefuture #wearefamily #bigfamily #bigfamilylife #lovewhatmatters #newbaby #dearbabylist #mommylifestyle #motherhoodinspired #pregnancylife #mothershape #mytinymoments #documentingmotherhood #parenthood_moments #thingsiwanttoremember

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Od 15.30 naprej imajo otroci prosto in se lahko družijo s prijatelji. Enkrat na teden se vsi starši in otroci, ki imajo šolo doma, dobijo na srečanju in se pogovorijo o svojih problemih. Prav tako otroci hodijo na športne dejavnosti, sodelujejo pa tudi v različnih govorniških in literarnih krožkih.

V času, ko se večina staršev prvič sooča s šolanjem na domu, ima Ariel za vse nekaj koristnih nasvetov:
  • Natančno napišite urnik, posebno starejšim otrokom, ki morajo predelati točno določeno snov.
  • Tudi starši se morajo pripraviti na pouk in že prej pogledati in vsaj okvirno predelati snov.
  • Določite, kdaj je konec pouka, ko lahko otroci prosto klepetajo z vrstniki ali pač počnejo stvari, ki jih veselijo.
  • Ugotovite, katere metode učenja najbolj odgovarjajo vašemu otroku. Nekateri morajo vse slišati, drugi prebrati, tretji le videti,...
  • Cenite čas, ki ga preživite z otrokom.

Preberite še: Novopečeni starši, ne bojte se prositi za pomoč ali 12 navad zelo srečnih mam

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