Kako poskrbeti, da bo piščančje meso sočno in mehko? Pomagajte si s to poceni in preprosto sestavino

10. 12. 2024
Kako poskrbeti, da bo piščančje meso sočno in mehko? Pomagajte si s to poceni in preprosto sestavino (foto: Profimedia)

S tem poceni in preprostim trikom bo piščančje meso slastno, kot še nikoli!

Piščančje meso je izjemno priljubljeno, saj je okusno in vsestransko, obenem pa predstavlja odličen vir beljakovin. A če ste že kdaj pripravljali pusto piščančje meso, najbrž veste, da slednje lahko hitro postane suho. Dobra novica pa je, da se tej težavi lahko izgonete s poceni in preprostim trikom.

Na TikTok profilu @ketorecipes razkrivajo preprost način, s katerim bo piščančje meso sočno, kot še nikoli. Ključ do uspeha je kombinacija začimb, jogurta, limoninega soka in "skrivne" sestavine, ki meso naredi izjemno mehko in sočno.

Trik za najbolj sočno piščančje meso

Skrivna sestavina, ki zagotavlja mehkobo in sočnost, je ščepec sode bikarbone. Če želite preizkusiti to metodo, boste potrebovali naslednje sestavine:

  • 3 kose piščančjih prsi
  • 1/2 čajne žličke sode bikarbone
  • 1 čajno žličko origana
  • 1 čajno žličko česna v prahu
  • 1 čajno žličko paprike v prahu
  • 2 žlici jogurta
  • sok polovice limone
  • sol in poper po okusu
@ketorecipes SUPER JUICY CHICKEN . These are the secrets to the juiciest chicken breasts you’ve ever had: BAKING SODA, COOKING WITH LID ON, AND LETTING IT REST - these are practically dripping with juice and they’re so good   Ingredients 3 chicken breasts 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon oregano 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 2 tablespoons plain yogurt Juice of 1/2 lemon Salt & pepper to taste . Here is how I made it: 1. Add 3 chicken brsts to a bowl and season with a generous pinch of salt and black pepper, 1 teaspoon of oregano, 1 teaspoon of garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika, and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to soften up the fibers. Add 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, the juice of half a lemon, and mix very well. . 2. Let chicken marinate for 30 minutes (outside of the fridge). By not using cold chicken, it help cook the chicken evenly. . 3. Bring a pan to medium heat. Once hot, place the marinated chicken in the pan. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 3 minutes. This method will trap the moisture, making the chicken juicier. . 4. After 3.5 minutes, flip the chicken. Cover again, reduce heat to MEDIUM-LOW, and let them cook for another 7-8 minutes. If you used cold chicken, or if your pan wasn’t hot enough, or if your chicken was too thick, this may require more time (and not be juicy, so follow the directions and ultimately, the chicken is done when its internal temperature reaches 165°F). . 5. Once cooked, remove the chicken from the pan and place on a cutting board or a plate. Let rest for 5 minutes. Resting allows the juices to redistribute throughout the chicken, making it more tender and juicy.   6. After resting, slice the chicken breasts against the grain and serve. They should be exceptionally juicy and flavorful! . You can serve this however way you wish – with your favorite veggies, salad, or with rice, quinoa, or if you’re lowcarb/keto my @Kaizen Food Company lowcarb rice. . I usually do chicken thighs, but this is an amazing way to make regular chicken super moist! . ENJOY . . . #lowcarb #lowcarbrecipes #keto #ketorecipes #healthyrecipes #goodmoodfood #healthyfoodshare #chickenrecipes #cookinghacks ♬ original sound - Shredhappens

Sočno piščančje meso pripravite tako:

  1. Najprej pripravite marinado tako, da vse sestavine, razen mesa, zmešate v posodi. Piščančje prsi potopite v pripravljeno mešanico in jih pustite, da se marinirajo.
  2. Marinirano meso popecite v ponvi na segretem olju. Piščanca najprej pecite približno 3 minute na eni strani pri srednjem ognju, pri tem pa naj je ponev pokrita s pokrovom.
  3. Nato meso obrnite in ga popecite še na drugi strani 7 minut, ponev pa naj je prav tako pokrita s pokrovom.
  4. Pečeno meso pustite "počivati" približno 5 minut, nato pa ga postrezite.

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