Od 70 letne bolne starke do super fit babice z mišicami - trenirajte z Joan

18. 4. 2020
Od 70 letne bolne starke do super fit babice z mišicami - trenirajte z Joan (foto: Instagram)

Joan MacDonald je živ dokaz, da ni nikoli prepozno za velike spremembe v življenju. 

Pred tremi leti se je Joan znašla pri zdravniku, ki ji je povedal, da njeno zdravje hitro peša. Pri 70-ih letih je jemala kup zdravil za različne tegobe - za znižanje krvnega tlaka, holesterola in refluksa. Zdravnik ji je prijazno povedal, da ji bo moral zvišati odmerke zdravil, če ne bo drastično spremenila svojega načina življenja.

Gospa MacDonald je bila sita zdravil in svoje večne utrujenosti in nemoči. Že dolgo se ni več počutila dobro v svoji koži, zato je vedela, da mora nekaj spremeniti.   

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2 years after I started this journey, and I feel like I gained twenty years back. Please 🙏🏼 wherever you are now health-wise, if you don’t like it, please please believe that you can change. You CAN. You absolutely can do it..! 🙌🙌🙌💖 . My daughter @yourhealthyhedonista is going to help me put together a 4-week plan for beginners (similar to what she has me do when I began), to help you get started. It will include a meal plan, some recipes, and I’ll apparently be demonstrating the exercise 🤪 . I’d give us a few weeks though so don’t hold your breath. She’s too busy already in my opinion. 😂 . Now go out there and get after it! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 . . . . . . . #fitover40 #weightloss #womenempowerment #inspo #fitspo #transformation

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“Vedela sem, da moram nekaj spremeniti. Svojo mamo sem gledala, kako je jemala tableto za tableto in nisem želela iti po isti poti,” je brhka 74-letnica povedala za revijo Shape.

Svoje želje po bolj zdravem načinu življenja je zaupala svoji hčerki Michelle, ki jo je že nekaj let prosila, naj bolj pazi nase in na svoje zdravje. Michelle je učiteljica joge, aktivno se ukvarja z dvigovanjem uteži, poklicno je vrhunska kuharica in lastnica fitnes kluba Tulum Strength Club.

Joan je najprej začela s hojo. Vsak dan je šla na sprehod, naredila pa je tudi nekaj nezahtevnih vaj joge. “Ko sem izgubila prvih pet kilogramov, sem šla tudi v fitnes ter počasi začela vaditi z utežmi. Začela sem res iz dna in počasi, počasi sem se začela vračati v življenje.”

V dobrih treh letih je gospa izgubila skoraj 30 kilogramov in njeni zdravniki pravijo, da ne potrebuje več zdravil, niti za visok krvni pritisk niti za holesterol.

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Transformation isn’t just about losing weight. Transformation can be about so much more! Certainly this has been my long, slow journey.💕💕 On the left I was visiting my own mother in a nursing home and seeing her health rapidly deteriorating. It absolutely broke my heart, and yet it was also frustrating to see her just accept her fate and refuse to fight to make things better. When my own daughter reached out to me and offered to help, it was like coming full circle. I was at a real cross roads. Do I follow in the footsteps of my mother, or do I try to break free of the cycle and create a different outcome for myself. I know so many of you want to know about the diet and the training, but what I can’t stress enough to you, is the importance of developing your mind. Throughout the past 3 years I have been deeply challenged, many times in tears 😭,and feeling like I was so slow to learn, BUT I did not give up. 👵🏼👵🏼. Since I started this journey 3 years ago I’ve learned to use an I-phone, I’ve learned to use apps (though they still seem complicated to me!) I’m even learning a new language (Spanish!). I’ve learned to be more confident in front of a camera and trust myself at interviews, and I’ve just gained so much more confidence and optimism about making my life better in general. Even my relationship with my husband has improved because I’m just a happier person. 🥰 That’s a pretty wonderful place to be this late in the game. 🙏 So, for those of you think more about losing weight, I am telling you, sometimes the weight we need to lose is more than the pounds on the scale. Sometimes we need to lose our negative self-talk, our feelings of failure, our lack of confidence in ourselves and in the world. Sometimes it’s the internal transformation that is its own best reward. I hope you learn to choose to be happy! With love Joan 💕

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“Na začetku je bilo težko, a sem bila odločena. Za take uspehe je potrebno redno delati, biti konstanten in seveda za take uspeh sem potrebovala tudi nekaj časa.

Najprej sem poskušala počasi izboljšati svojo vzdržljivost in moč. Vedno sem pazila, da sem vadila varno, saj si nisem želela poškodbe, ki bi me ponovno prikovala na dom. Pravzaprav moram povedati, da sem začela uživati že v tem, da sem si vsak dan pripravila torbo in odšla na trening. Danes treniram petkrat na teden, po dve uri. Počasna sem in potrebujem veliko časa, da naredim ves trening.”

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All I want for Christmas is some muscle! 🤶🏻🤶🏻🤶🏻 . What is on YOUR Christmas wish list? 💕💕 . #inspo.

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Zelo pomembno je bilo, da si je Joan naredila red in trening ni moral pasti iz njenega urnika: “Trening je bil prva stvar, ki sem jo naredila v dnevu. Ponavadi sem bila vsako jutro ob 7. uri zjutraj že v fitnesu. Za ogrevanje grem ponavadi na kolo ali na napravo za veslanje.

Vedno se zelo dobro ogrejem, nato pa sledim programu treninga, ki mi ga je napisala hčerka. Še vedno imam težave s težkimi utežmi in sem skeptična, če so res dobre za moje telo. No vseeno delam vaje, a se trudim, da ne pretiravam. Treningi so zel raznovrstni, saj ne želim izgubiti veselja do gibanja. Prav tako pazim, da delam za vse mišice na telesu.”

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The deadlift! Now this is a wonderful exercise for building bone strength as well as muscle strength, but it’s often done incorrectly. I know, many people my age would normally shy away from an exercise like this. And many average trainers wouldn’t know how to teach an exercise like this, so do be cautious. I’m extremely lucky that I’ve had some great coaching by people who really believe in my potential. I can’t say this enough: surround yourself with knowledgeable people who see the best in you and can get the best out of you! Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you can’t still be pushed and still learn and grow. Am I right? 👵🏼👵🏼👵🏼 . I am using bumper plates, and only lifting 65 lbs total. I was demonstrating this lift for an interview with @cbctoronto . I would never in a million years have imagined I’d be on the news demonstrating how I exercise. If my journey can inspire some changes in how trainers approach training the older population, then I’m all the happier for it. We really can keep growing and improving at any age! . With love, Joan! . Leggings: @tilyoucollapse Use code JOAN to save $$ . #fitover70 #inspi #fitspo #deadlifts #girlswhopowerlift #girlswholift#girlswithmuscle #legday

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Kaj pa hrana? “Mislim, da sem prej, v svojem starem, nezdravem življenju, jedla celo manj, a predvsem narobna živila. Zdaj jem petkrat na dan, še vedno izgubljam kilograme in počutim se fantastično. Izgubila sem 30 kilogramov in spet se z veseljem oblačim.”

In kakšen je nasvet gospe Joan MacDonald: “Vedno moraš imeti cilj. Jaz imam trenutno cilj, da naredim vsaj 15 sklec, tako kot jih lahko naredijo mladi. In naj vam povem, da je starost je številka. Naj vas ne bo sram iti v fitnes in začeti spreminjati svoje življenje. Ženske, gospe, naj vas ne bo iti sram iti v telovadnico in dvigovati uteži. Mišice so zelo pomembne za starejše telo.”

Preberite še: Če vas gospa Joan ni motivirala za gibanje, potem kliknite tukaj še za nekaj nasvetov.


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