Vaše mentalno zdravje je pomembnejše od oblike telesa: ženska opozarja s sporočili, napisanimi na njenem telesu

15. 11. 2020
Vaše mentalno zdravje je pomembnejše od oblike telesa: ženska opozarja s sporočili, napisanimi na njenem telesu (foto: unsplash)

Ni vse v lepoti in zunanjem videzu - najprej moramo urediti mentalno zdravje, da bi se lahko imeli radi. 

Če kdaj, potem ste po daljši karanteni opazili, da mentalno zdravje peša. Ne skrbite, niste edini. In to tudi ni bilo edino obdobje, ko bi morali poskrbeti za naš um. Tako kot redno telovadimo, da vzdržujemo mišice in postavo, tako bi morali negovati tudi um. 

Morda ste v zadnjem času razvili anksioznost ali pa motnjo spanja, ker vas takoj, ko zaprete oči, preganjajo problemi jutrišnjega dne. Mogoče imate vsega odveč in potrebujete nekaj časa zase in tišine. Nič sramotnega ni, če bi vam prav prišel pogovor s terapevtom. 

  • Da bi ozavestili, kako pomembno je mentalno zdravje, večkrat letno opravite naslednji izziv ali zgolj preverite, če ga redno izvajate: 14 dni mentalnega zdravja.

Precej močno sporočilo v svet pa pošilja tudi ženska z Instagrama, kjer ironično večkrat najdemo razloge za kritiziranje svojega telesa kot pozitivne navdihe. 

Pred nami vse bolj muhasti dnevi. Kje bo največ dežja in kje največ sonca
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You do NOT have to exit this pandemic with new ABS or a NEW BODY or the ability to speak a new language or 20 new degrees. Your MENTAL HEALTH is so much more important than ANY OF THOSE THINGS. Even if social media sometimes suggests otherwise. This has been on my mind a lot lately. My inbox is full of your messages about Covid, and how you’re struggling with disordered eating or body image issues, or the feelings that your plans for your life have become twisted, stunted, broken. Only you are NOT broken. You’re learning to EXIST within an entirely new framework, one that has been rocked and changed by a virus, one that is STILL rocking, still changing. So it is OK to be anxious. To have great days mingled with OHMYGOSH days. To feel like you’re getting the hang of it at one moment, then have all the emotions the next. It’s ok. Be gentle to yourself. Know your emotions are valid. And that your responsibility right now is to your MENTAL HEALTH, not to some standard of perfect that society seems to shout about. If you need to REST and RECHARGE, great. Good. Do it. If you want to run, sweat, workout, train, do it too. Find what SPEAKS TO YOU in this moment, what soothes the softer parts of your mind, and listen to it. Resist the urge to adopt goals that do not SERVE YOU. Instead treat yourself like a friend: with kindness, with love, with understanding. Because babygirl, this chaos is going to be hard for a while. But it doesn’t mean you have to be hard on yourself. Just a reminder today. . . . #feminist #womenirl #selflove #bodypositive #iweigh #meufparis #aufeminin #mentalhealthmatters

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Na njenem hrbtu je zapis: "Tvoje mentalno zdravje je pomembno bolj kot številka hlač ali produktivnost."

Poleg fotografije pa je zapisala: 

"Po koncu pandemije ne potrebujete izoblikovanih trebušnih mišic, novega telesa, znanja novega jezika ali 20 novih diplom. Mentalno zdravje je pomembnejše od vseh teh stvari, četudi družbena omrežja včasih prikazujejo drugačno sliko. Moj spletni nabiralnik je poln sporočil o virusu, o tem, kako se spopadate z motnjami hranjenja, ali s tem, da so načrti za vaše življenje propadli. Vendar VI NISTE PROPADLI. Učite se obstajati v novem okvirju, ki ga je in ga še vedno pretresa in spreminja virus.

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You did NOT wake all the way up today just to HATE your THIGHS. Or your belly. Or your LAUGH. Or your shyness, your optimism, your personality, YOU. You didn’t. Even if sometimes, sometimes that little sharp, criticizing voice in our head wants us to believe otherwise. I spent years hating parts of my body: my legs, my bum, my lack of an hourglass shape. And I spent years MORE struggling with elements of my personality: my optimism, my quirks, me. And I’m here to say that you, babygirl, you don’t need to WASTE a single MOMENT on that NONSENSE. Because you ARE incredible. Your BODY is. Your SPIRIT is. Together, they’ve helped you survive every single bad day so far, and to celebrate, to excel in every single great one. And there’s GREATNESS in you — even if you don’t know it yet. So today, even if you can’t run around shouting praises for the bits of you that you have long battled with, maybe offer them kindness instead. Softness. Start to crack open that door towards ACCEPTANCE. Because after a while, the love starts to wrap around the hate. Your UNIQUENESS, your CONFIDENCE, they have space to shine through. Reminding you WHY you woke up today: Not for self hate. Not for internal criticisms. But to get out there. To do great things or big things or even gloriously tiny, delicate things. Each one done AS you, by you. Magnificent and perfectly imperfect indeed. You got this. Photo @indie.marea #selflove #bodyacceptance #bodyconfidence #feminist #iweigh #normalizenormalbodies #stretchmarks

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Povsem vredu je, če se spopadate z anksioznostjo.

Povsem vredu je, da se prepletajo dobri in slabi dnevi. 

Bodite nežni do sebe. Zavedajte se, da vaša čustva štejejo.  

Vaša odgovornost v tem trenutku je MENTALNO ZDRAVJE in ne zadovoljevanje standardov, ki jih je postavila družba. Če se morate spočiti in si vzeti trenutek zase, to storite. Če se želite potiti in telovaditi, naredite to. 

Poslušajte se in ugotovite, kaj vam najbolj odgovarja. Kaj je tisto, kar bo dobro vplivalo na vaš um. Zatrite potrebo po tem, da bi si postavili cilje, ki ne služijo VAM. 

Namesto tega si namenite to, kar namenite prijatelju: prijaznost, ljubezen razumevanje."

Preverite tudi: 6 razlogov, zakaj bi morali večkrat sami v naravo

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