Preizkusite se v kratkem HIIT treningu hollywoodske trenerke Jeanette Jenkins (zdržite vseh 7 vaj?)

30. 6. 2021
Preizkusite se v kratkem HIIT treningu hollywoodske trenerke Jeanette Jenkins (zdržite vseh 7 vaj?) (foto: Instagram (Jeanette Jenkins))
Instagram (Jeanette Jenkins)

Slavna trenerka Jeanette Jenkins je pripravila 7 vaj, vendar so zelo intenzivne. Podkrepila jih je z glasbo, zato boste malce pozabili, da trenirate. 

Za začetek naj opozorimo, da morate vsako vrsto vadbe prilagoditi svojim fizičnim sposobnostim. V nasprotnem primeru tvegate poškodbe in izgorelost.

HIIT trening je sestavljen iz intervalov intenzivnih vaj, ki se prepletajo s počasnejšimi odseki za kratko vmesno okrevanje. Če ste v stalnem boju s časom, vadbo v svoj urnik umestite najmanj enkrat tedensko, saj traja med 15 in 30 minut. Čeprav je krajša od običajnega treninga, pa ob pravilni izvedbi prinaša podobne pozitivne učinke na telo in zdravje.

Prednosti visoko intenzivnega treninga:
  • V kratkem času pokurite veliko energije.
  • HIIT trening pomaga pospešiti metabolizem. 
  • Ob primerni prehrani in rednemu gibanju lahko z visoko intenzivnimi treningi izgubite kilograme. 
  • Lahko znižuje krvni tlak. 
  • Pomaga regulirati raven sladkorja v krvi in pospeši krvni obtok. 
  • Spodbudi srčnožilni sistem. 

Ste pripravljeni? Oblecite športna oblačila in pripravite svoj najljubši seznam glasbe, ali pa prisluhnite temu, ki se predvaja v ozadju vaj. S puščico se premaknite naprej in preverite, ali zmorete vseh 7 vaj. Vmes si seveda vzemite čas za počitek (priporočeno: 1 minuta počitka pred naslednjo vajo).

April prinaša val sreče tem trem znakom: astrologi napovedujejo obdobje obilja
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Tag a friend & try one of my fave #HIIT circuits we did with @bethalexanderfitness and get your body moving!🔥💦💪❤️😊It’s Day23 of our 30Day #Summer Body Bootcamp and today’s workout is our 87min “Cardio Kickboxing Workout” a 700-1000calorie burner🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥in the club! ❤️ Login to the club @hollywoodtrainerclub or click the link in my profile @msjeanettejenkins and once you login, click on “Exercise” then “Virtual Gym” and press play on Day 23! You can do it! ⁣Try these exercises above in the sliders as a bonus 10-5reps or 30-60sec each, 2-3sets! ⁣ ⁣ ❤️We will be starting ROUND TWO of our 30Day Summer Body Bootcamp on Monday July 13th! If you have fallen off or want to join us then get started NOW! All the streaming workouts are in the club. ⁣ ⁣ ❤️All the streaming workouts for this ”30Day Summer Body Bootcamp” our “Ab Blast” Challenge our “14Day Love Your Body Home Workouts” our “Total Body Bootcamp” our “Butt Challenge” our “Sister Series” and more are in the “Virtual Gym” under the “Exercise” tab! 😊It’s only $19.99/month to access all of these challenges and over 500+ streaming workouts and challenges, over 150+ healthy recipes & meal plans and our Community Wall for Support! ⁣ ⁣ ❤️We would love to have you join us! All the workouts in our club are INSTRUCTIONAL.⁣ ⁣ ❤️If your #Waistline is above 35inches for a female or 40inches for a male you are at increased risk of #HeartDisease ⁣ ⁣ ❤️🗣 #HeartDisease is the number one killer worldwide world 🌎 and you can decrease your risk factors dramatically with regular exercise & healthy eating.⁣ ⁣ ❤️The goal of this 30Day Summer Body Bootcamp is to encourage you to be #committed and #consistent with your workouts and healthy eating so you can feel great, look great and function at your best. ⁣ ⁣ ❤️It’s never too late to make a change for the better & it’s never too late to join us! #WorkoutMotivation

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